This page contains fill-in notes on Control lectures for the courses including ME 370 and ME 461.
These notes were originally written by Dr. Rico Picone and the master copy is available on his site. This copy may have changes from the last time I taught a course which used this material, but may also be out of date.
Full Text
Individual lecture files
intro.block Feedback control system block diagrams Introducing PID control
intro.pidi An interactive PID controller design
intro.exe Exercises for Chapter intro Stability from the transfer function
stab.routh Routh-Hurwitz criterion
stab.exe Exercises for Chapter stab
trans.char Transient response characteristics
trans.exact Exact analytical trans response char of first- and second-order sys
trans.approx Approx analytical transient response characteristics
trans.exe Exercises for Chapter trans
steady.error Steady-state error for unity feedback systems
steady.exe Exercises for Chapter steady
rlocus.def Root locus definition
rlocus.sketch Sketching the root locus
rlocus.comp Generating the root locus via a computer
rlocus.exe Exercises for Chapter rlocus
rldesign.gain Gain from the root locus
rldesign.P Proportional controller design (P)
rldesign.beyondP Beyond proportional design
rldesign.PI Proportional-integral (PI) controller design
rldesign.PLag Proportional-lag controller design
rldesign.PD Proportional-derivative (PD) controller design
rldesign.PLead Proportional-lead design
rldesign.PID Prop-integral-derivative controller design
rldesign.PLeLa Proportional-lead-lag controller design
rldesign.multd Multiple derivative compensators
rldesign.exe Exercises for Chapter rldesign
rldesign.exe Exercises for Chapter rldesign
freq.bodesimp Bode plots for simple transfer functions
freq.bodesketch Sketching Bode plots
freq.nyquist Nyquist criterion
freq.nystab Stability from the Nyquist plot
freq.nybode Stability GM and PM from Bode plots
freq.freqtime Relations among time and frequency domain reps
freq.exe Exercises for Chapter freq
freqd.gain Transient response design by adjusting the gain
freqd.exe Exercises for Chapter freqd
ss.sfdbck Controller design method
ss.exe Exercises for Chapter ss
B.01 Controllability observability and stabilizability