This page contains fill-in notes on Electronics lectures for the course ME 345.
These notes were originally written by Dr. Rico Picone and the master copy is available on his site. This copy may have changes from the last time I taught a course which used this material, but may also be out of date.
Full Text
Individual lecture files
fun.vir Voltage current resistance and all that
fun.eq Thevenin s and Norton s theorems
fun.load Output and input resistance and circuit loading
fun.exe Exercises for Chapter fun
can.mthd Methodology for analyzing circuits
can.exa A sinusoidal input example
can.trss Transient and steady-state response
can.exe Exercises for Chapter can
ssan.pha Complex or phasor representations of voltage and current
ssan.mthd Methodology for impedance-based circuit analysis
ssan.div Voltage and current dividers
ssan.exe Exercises for Chapter ssan
nlnmul.op Operational amplifiers