Mathematical Foundations
This page contains fill-in notes on Mathematical Foundations lectures for the MME 502 course.
These notes were originally written by Dr. Rico Picone and the master copy is available on his site. This copy may have changes from the last time I taught a course which used this material, but may also be out of date.
Full Text
Individual lecture files
itself.found The foundations of mathematics
itself.reason Mathematical reasoning
itself.overview Mathematical topics in overview
itself.engmath What is mathematics for engineering
itself.exe Exercises for Chapter itself
sets.setintro Introduction to set theory
sets.logic Logical connectives and quantifiers
sets.exe Exercises for Chapter sets
prob.meas Probability and measurement
prob.prob Basic probability theory
prob.condition Independence and conditional probability
prob.pxf Probability density and mass functions
prob.exe Exercises for Chapter prob
stats.terms Populations samples and machine learning
stats.sample Estimation of sample mean and variance
stats.student Student confidence
stats.multivar Multivariate probability and correlation
stats.exe Exercises for Chapter stats
vecs.div Divergence surface integrals and flux
vecs.curl Curl line integrals and circulation
vecs.stoked Stokes and divergence theorems
vecs.exe Exercises for Chapter vecs
four.general Generalized fourier series and orthogonality
four.exe Exercises for Chapter four
pde.sturm Sturm-liouville problems
pde.separation PDE solution by separation of variables
pde.exe Exercises for Chapter pde
opt.lin Constrained linear optimization
opt.simplex The simplex algorithm
opt.exe Exercises for Chapter opt Nonlinear state-space models
nlin.char Nonlinear system characteristics
nlin.sim Nonlinear system simulation
nlin.pysim Simulating nonlinear systems in Python
nlin.exe Exercises for Chapter nlin
A.01 Gaussian distribution table